March 2012 Standards Revision Committee Update

March 2012 Standards Revision Committee Update


The Standards Revision Committee (SRC) has been actively working since last summer to conceptualize and create a working draft of the 2016 CACREP Standards.  To date we have gathered feedback through the ACES conference last fall and from annual reports submitted to CACREP last summer by accredited programs. The SRC has met in person three times and has conducted work electronically. As we work on our first draft, we are keeping in mind our goal of simplifying, clarifying, and consolidating the existing Standards. We also are trying to ensure that the Standards promote a unified counselor identity while also recognizing the uniqueness of the specialty areas. Some SRC activities for the remainder of this year include:


Doctoral Program Survey: The SRC would like some input before we move further along with initial revisions to doctoral program standards. We recently emailed the CACREP liaisons affiliated with accredited doctoral programs with a request to complete an electronic survey. If you are a program CACREP liaison and received that email, we hope you will take a few minutes to talk with your doctoral program faculty and compile their feedback. If you are a faculty member in a CACREP-accredited doctoral program, we encourage you to seek out your program’s CACREP liaison to provide input for our survey.


Draft 1 Available: The SRC will be working throughout the summer to finalize our first draft of the 2016 CACREP Standards. We hope to make Draft 1 available around September 1, 2012, and we will publicize its availability widely.


Online Feedback: Coinciding with the dissemination of Draft 1, we will be making available an online feedback system. Specific details will be shared later this year, and announcements will be made widely so that we can solicit feedback from a broad array of constituent groups.


Regional ACES meetings: The SRC will host sessions at each of the regional ACES meetings to gather feedback about Draft 1. Presentation details will be shared when they are finalized, and we hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in these sessions.


The SRC will continue to gather feedback concerning Draft 1 into 2013, and we will share additional details regarding those efforts. Your input will be incredibly important to us as we strive to create Standards that are meaningful and relevant. We look forward to interacting with you over the next couple of years.